Wednesday, April 21, 2010

HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius on Growing List of Insurers That Will Provide Coverage for Young Adults under Age 26

I welcome the Blue Cross Blue Shield plans, Kaiser Permanente, and Humana to the growing list of insurers who are offering to continue health insurance for young adults graduating from college or aging out of their parents’ plan.  This initiative, complementing the permanent policy in the Affordable Care Act, will enable young people to retain insurance coverage at an important moment as they begin their adult lives and launch their careers.

Many young adults under the age of 26 have traditionally had a difficult time getting access to – and affording – health coverage.  The Affordable Care Act, and the voluntary actions of insurers to eliminate the coverage gap for young adults on their parents plans, will give greater health security to millions of American families.

Insuring younger Americans is a top priority for the Administration and we will continue working to expand the opportunity for children and young adults to have access to quality, affordable care.

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